Collection for the new Organ

On 28th January 2017, following the vigil mass of Sunday, fundraising for the new organ for the institute’s chapel began with a musical evening for charity held in the Ceremonial Hall of the Pázmáneum. Based on an idea by Bálint Kappéter, the programme was initiated, organized and implemented by László Kövi, pianist, retired chorus director of the Vienna Conservatory and Grand Master/Knights of Magistral Grace of the Knights of Malta.
At the Pázmáneum there is currently an electric organ that dates back to the ’70s, but which has many functions that do not work. Since it would be important for both the liturgy and for the classical concerts frequently organized in the chapel, as well as fulfilling the need for a pipe organ for choral performances, there arose the idea to acquire an appropriate instrument of good quality. Although electric instruments have an organ function, because they produce the sound synthetically, they are not suitable for concerts of choral or classical music.
Regarding the new organ, it has not yet been decided whether to choose a newly-built instrument, or a ready-made, used one. Certainly, and also because of the limited space available, we can consider purchasing a relatively small, portable, positive organ with several registers.

The collection at the charity evening on 28th January did not start right from zero, as some private donations already amounted to around €1000. A sum of €1,700 was collected at this concert, which bears witness to a really great spirit of generosity. This amount is likely to increase as several people have indicated that they will send their donations by bank transfer.
Our bank details are as follows:

orgona képe

(The picture is an illustration)

Collegium Pazmaneum
IBAN: AT371919000107133522
BIC / Swiftcode: BSSWATWW
Reason for Payment: you are kindly asked to state in German the following:
            “Spende für die Orgel“ (Donation for Organ)


We will keep you up to date on developments on this page and we will be personally available for further questions.

May God abundantly reward the help and goodness of our donors!

Continued on April 22, 2017:
Following the enormously successful performance of 28th January, also on the Saturday of Holy Week, 22nd April, there took place to a full house and in a fantastic atmosphere a repeat performance of the joyful charity evening in the Pázmáneum.
Because of Juliette Khalil’s sudden illness, this time she only played a silent role. To László Kövi’s brilliant piano accompaniment, Bernhard Viktorin and Max Buchleitner, who volunteered to step in, sang to the grateful audience filling the hall. The performance, with its introduction to the world of operetta enriched with theatrical elements, on both occasions brought the Institute closer to the realization of its dream of a new organ.
A €1205 donation was received in the collection box set up in the venue, for which, in the name of the Pázmáneum, we say a very grateful thankyou.
By the end of June, the amount so far received, including donations at our various events and contributions via bank transfer, is €4559,50. On the 15th November 5329,27.

On the 8th February  6621.02.

On the 9th March  8121.02. 

On the 27th March 9300. 

Many people are asking: how much has been collected? And even more so: when will we have the organ?
We are very grateful to all our donors. Students, families, pensioners, single people – many have contributed and have reassuringly spoken of the wonderful idea of there being a real organ playing in the renowned chapel of the Pázmáneum. The smallest donation was 1000 forints and the largest – until now – was 1000 euros. Slowly but surely….
We are currently approaching about half of the expected costs, with donations so far totalling 10,262 euros. The realization of the plans would, of course, be helped if we could reach our target sum before long and thus be able to purchase, or commission, an organ as soon as possible, because prices just keep on rising. At the same time, patience and perseverance are good, leading us to the best possible solution.

On 12 April 2018, at 8.00 pm the Collegium Hungaricum hosted Jazzation A Cappella, a concert in aid of the organ fund of the Collegium Pázmáneum. 1280 Euro were received in donations.


By the end of November 2018, the amount so far received is €13298.44.

On the 10th March 2019 €14700.

On the 5th June 2019 € 21800.

On the 15th October 2019 23100.

On the 24th December 2019 € 24830.

On the 23rd June 2020 € 25359,13.

On the 16th August 2020 € 25759,13.

On the 30th September 2020 39663,29 

In the year 2021 1370 Euro were received in donations.

On the 15th November 2021, the amount so far received is41.033,29

On the 1st December 2021.  the amount so far received is  42.533,29.

On the 26st January 2023.  42.953,29.

On the 9th March 2023 the amount so far received is 46.078 € .  3 722 €. is missing


Our bank details:


Fotó: Püspöky Apor

Fotó: Püspöky Apor










Collegium Pazmaneum
IBAN: AT371919000107133522


 Zahlungsreferenz / Verwendungszweck:
            Spende für die Orgel

May God abundantly repay and reward the help and goodness of our donors!